
The Exam Committee plays an essential role in the academic activities of the college and is an important part of standardizing the institution.

Primary Function

  • To conduct all the internal and external examination in a fair and systematic manner

Secondary Functions

  • Receiving and maintaining circulars from Controller of Examination, Alagappa University
  • Sending reply to the circulars from Controller of Examination, Alagappa University as per their requirements
  • Addressing the Examination Grievances of the students to the Controller of Examination, Alagappa University
  • Communicating the circulars(examination) of Controller of Examination, Alagappa University to faculty members and students
  • Announcement of Internal Examination
  • Issuing Time Table
  • Arranging Seats
  • Collecting questions for Internal Examination
  • Allocating Duties
  • Monitoring Invigilation
  • Sending External Examination Budget Proposal and Stationery Requirements to University
  • Collecting stationery from University for External Examination(Answer Scripts, Question Papers, Supporting Documents etc.,)
  • Submission of External Examination answer scripts to University Representatives for valuation
  • Submission of External Examination Statement of Accounts to University
  • Maintaining the Examination Records
  • Collecting Internal and External Examination Result Analysis Report


  • To Prohibit any conduct by any student or Students whether by words Spoken or Written or by an act Which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other students.
  • To bring out an awareness among the students about the consequences of ragging.
  • To keep a constant eye and vigilance over ragging so as to prevents its occurrence.
  • To address any ragging issues immediately and taken action as advised by the committee.

Chief Superintendent

Dr. M. Meera, MBA.,PGDFMP., Ph.D
Mohamed Sathak Hamid Arts and Science College for Women, Ramanathapuram


Dr. C. Aruna, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics,
Mohamed Sathak Hamid Arts and Science College for Women, Ramanathapuram

Assistant Coordinator

Ms. B. Kowsika, M.Com., M. Phil., (Ph.D)
Assistant Professor,
Department of Commerce,
Mohamed Sathak Hamid Arts and Science College for Women, Ramanathapuram